Riverside Optimisation Project planning application
Update 5 October 2022:
Non-Material Change planning application
The Riverside Optimisation Project planning application was approved by BEIS in December 2021 (more details provided in the link at the bottom of this page).
Consequently, an update is required to the Riverside Energy Park Order 2020 (as amended) and an application has been submitted to BEIS today.
More information on this application can be found at www.corygroup.co.uk/media/news-insights/non-material-change-planning-application/
The Riverside Resource Recovery Facility (‘RRRF’) operated by Riverside Resource Recovery Limited (trading as part of the Cory Riverside Energy group (Cory)) is an Energy Recovery Facility (‘ERF’) situated at Norman Road in Belvedere within the London Borough of Bexley (‘LBB’).
Operating since 2011, RRRF has recently been fitted internally with an upgraded operational control system. This technology enables RRRF to be operated more efficiently than its original design when first built.
In order to realise this increased efficiency, the terms of the relevant permissions that RRRF currently operates under needs to be amended.
Consequently, Riverside Resource Recovery Limited is submitting to the Secretary of State for the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (‘BEIS’) an application (‘the Application’) under section 36C of the Electricity Act 1989 to:
amend the power generation description of RRRF in the 2015 s.36 Variation (reference GDBC/003/00001C-06) to change the energy generation limit from ‘up to 72MW’ to ‘up to ‘80.5MW’;
vary the conditions attached to the 2017 Permission for RRRF (reference 16/02167/FUL), to increase the maximum waste throughput from 785,000 tonnes per annum (‘tpa’) to 850,000 tpa; and
amend the 2015 s.36 Variation and to incorporate into the new deemed planning permission the amendments authorised by the Secretary of State in the Riverside Energy Park (‘REP’) Development Consent Order (‘DCO’)1 regarding the ash storage area for RRRF and use of the jetty by both RRRF and REP
These changes together are called the Riverside Optimisation Project, or ‘ROP’. More information on RRRF’s existing operations and ROP is provided in application submitted under section 36C of the Electricity Act 1989 and included below, in addition to responses.
Update 17 December 2021: This application has been granted: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/riverside-resource-recovery-facility-variation-to-section-36-consent-electricity-act-1989
Title | 50407 Riverside Optimisation Project EIA Report Volume 1 Main Report |
Document | 1,389KB |
Title | 50407 Riverside Optimisation Project EIA Report Volume 2 Appendices |
Document | 357KB |
Title | 50407 ROP Habitats Regulations Assessment |
Document | 1,299KB |
Title | Appendix A.1 Application Site Location Plan Planning Statement |
Document | 1,251KB |
Title | Appendix A.2 ROP EIA Scoping Report |
Document | 4,906KB |
Title | Appendix A.3 BEIS EIA Scoping Opinion |
Document | 242KB |
Title | Appendix A.4 EIA Team Expertise and Qualifications |
Document | 169KB |
Title | Appendix A.5 Drawing 2.4A |
Document | 836KB |
Title | Appendix A.6 Drawing D1.2 |
Document | 3,586KB |
Title | Appendix A.7 REP Works Plan Sheet 2 |
Document | 919KB |
Title | Appendix B.1 Figures |
Document | 10,948KB |
Title | Appendix B.2 Predicted Impacts of Primary Pollutants at Human Receptors |
Document | 691KB |
Title | Appendix B.4 Note on Public Health and Evidence 50407 Riverside Optimisation Project EIA Report Non-Technical Summary |
Document | 8,786KB |
Title | Appendix D.1 Carbon Assessment |
Document | 889KB |
Title | Cover Letter – Application for a section 36C variation under the Electricity Act 1989 and a section 90 direction under the TCPA 1990 |
Document | 115KB |
Title | Planning Statement |
Document | 2,895KB |
Title | Regulation 5 and Regulation 22(5) Notice |
Document | 116KB |
Title | 001 Appendix R - R - RRRF evidence.pdf |
Document | 329KB |
Title | 009 - R - FW Riverside Energy From Waste Facility.pdf |
Document | 19KB |
Title | Historic England response - 20 May - redacted(125030312.1).pdf |
Document | 2,226KB |
Title | #124089544v1ACTIVE - LBTH - consultation response - redacted(125024876.1).pdf |
Document | 1,326KB |
Title | #125002609v1ACTIVE - RBG letter dated 17 June 2021 - redacted(125024788.1).pdf |
Document | 1,291KB |
Title | 001 R - FW RRRF based at Norman Road. Belvedere DA17 6JY - London Borough of Bexley.pdf |
Document | 66KB |
Title | 002 - R - Objection to Cory Riverside Incinerator application for increase in burning capacity.pdf |
Document | 41KB |
Title | 003 - R - Objection to Cory Riverside Incinerator application for increase in burning capacity - 2.pdf |
Document | 31KB |
Title | 004 - R - FW Objection to Cory Riverside Incinerator application for increase in burning.pdf |
Document | 46KB |
Title | 005 - FW Objection to Cory Riverside Incinerator application for increase in burning capacity.pdf |
Document | 37KB |
Document | 154KB |
Title | 006 - Appendix 2 - ATTACHMENT A RELATIVE RISK.xlsx |
Document | 16KB |
Title | 006 - Appendix 3 - ATTACHMENT B LONDON BOROUGH MAP.pdf |
Document | 142KB |
Title | 006 - Appendix 4 - ATTACHMENT C PICTORAL EVIDENCE.pdf |
Document | 329KB |
Document | 17KB |
Title | 007 - Appendix - UKWIN Riverside Optimisation Project Objection (June 2021).pdf |
Document | 1,902KB |
Title | 007 - R - FW UKWIN representation regarding RRRF (FAO SoS for BEIS co Kerry Crowhurst Energy Infrastructure Planning Team).pdf |
Document | 16KB |
Title | 008 - Appendix - R - GLA response to S36C Variation ROP FINAL 05.07.pdf |
Document | 4,897KB |
Title | 008 - R - Application to vary the current section 36(c) of the Electricity Act 1989 consent for the Riverside Resource Recovery Facility.pdf |
Document | 23KB |
Title | 009 - R - FW Riverside Energy From Waste Facility.pdf |
Document | 19KB |
Title | 010 - Appendix - R - DocAkn01COVID.pdf |
Document | 233KB |
Document | 18KB |
Title | 011 - R - FW Highways England Response Riverside Resource Recovery Facility (RRRF) Norman Road Belvedere London DA17 6JY.pdf |
Document | 95KB |
Title | 012 - R - FW NE Response - Variation of regulations 5 22(4) 5 - Riverside Energy Park DCO (RRRF) (CO Kerry Crowhurst).pdf |
Document | 130KB |
Title | 013 - R - FW Port of London Authority Response (DC 837) Application to vary the current section 36 consent for the Riverside Resource Recovery Facility (RRRF).pdf |
Document | 86KB |
Title | 014 - R - RRRF.pdf |
Document | 561KB |
Title | Appendix A - Extract from DEFRA 2014 report(125797713.1) |
Document | 215KB |
Title | Historic England response 26 May - redacted(125030325.1).pdf |
Document | 2,277KB |
Title | Jon Cruddas MP to SofS(124148539.1).pdf |
Document | 1,062KB |
Title | Riverside Optimisation Project - Clarification Document in response to responses - 16 August 2021(125797506.1) (3) |
Document | 780KB |