Cory Riverside Energy achieves 5-star sustainability rating
Cory Riverside Energy has achieved the highest rating in this year’s GRESB Infrastructure Asset performance summary. Cory was awarded a 5-star rating and scored 83 out of 100. This compares to an average peer score of 61, placing Cory second out of its seven other peer businesses and 69th out of 406 businesses that GRESB audits globally.
Cory was ranked favourably amongst peers for nearly all categories, including its health & safety, air pollution, customers, employees and risk management performance indicators.
Dougie Sutherland, CEO at Cory Riverside Energy, said:
We are delighted that our efforts to set the industry standard in sustainable business practises have been recognised.
GRESB is an increasingly important benchmarking tool for infrastructure assets, and we welcome this score as a means of demonstrating that we are striving to do all the right things – and doing them well.
While the result is hugely welcome, we already have a plan in place to further improve our scores, and we look forward to building on this performance over the next year.
GRESB is the leading Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) benchmark for real estate and infrastructure investments across the world. Its ESG data and benchmarks covers $4.5 trillion in real estate and infrastructure value and the scores are used by more than 100 institutional investors to make decisions that are leading to a more sustainable real asset industry.
We are delighted that our efforts to set the industry standard in sustainable business practises have been recognised.