Cory launches statutory consultation on decarbonisation plans
Proposed project designed to capture c.1.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year from Cory’s energy from waste facilities by 2030
Project will be instrumental in helping achieve UK net zero target
Six weeks of consultation will run from Wednesday 18 October to Wednesday 29 November 2023
Cory is undertaking its second consultation on its plans to install carbon capture technology at its energy frm waste facilities in Belvedere.
Following an introductory consultation earlier in the year, this statutory consultation will run from Wednesday 18 October to Wednesday 29 November 2023 and will include opportunities for local residents to find out more from the Cory team at a series of in-person events and a webinar.
In total, Cory’s project has the potential to capture c.1.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year by 2030, decarbonising the waste management process at Cory’s current and in-construction energy from waste plants. This will contribute to the UK’s net zero targets by delivering negative carbon emissions and will also enable Cory to achieve its goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2040.
In addition to the planned carbon capture facilities, Cory is engaging with key stakeholders such as the Friends of Crossness Nature Reserve, Thames Water and Peabody to identify ways to improve green spaces in the local area.
Commenting on the announcement, Richard Wilkinson, Project Director at Cory, said: “This is a major milestone for Cory and our work to decarbonise the waste we process. We want to share our proposals with as many people as possible during our consultation events; the feedback we receive will then be taken into consideration as we refine our plans before submitting an application for Development Consent.
“We know that we need to reduce our carbon impact and get to net zero. Installing carbon capture and storage technology is recognised as being the best approach for EfW facilities to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions, and Cory is committed to having a lasting and positive impact on the world around us. We want to ensure that communities living and working in the area have a chance to inform and influence the proposals we’re developing.”
Feedback and comments on the proposals can be submitted by email, post or via the website, with all feedback then considered as Cory refines its plans and submits its application for Development Consent.
To find out more, share feedback, or register for a webinar, please visit www.corydecarbonisation.co.uk
Feedback can also be sent by mail to FREEPOST CORY CCS or by email to decarbonisation@corygroup.co.uk