Cory launch video with BBC Earth Unplugged
A short documentary has been released by BBC Earth Unplugged, with support from Cory, exploring the realities of recycling in the UK.
We were pleased to open both our Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) and Energy from Waste (EfW) facilities to the BBC to help increase understanding about the UK’s waste infrastructure. The video below takes you through the process, what you can do to ensure your recyclables aren’t contaminated and how that can improve recycling rates.
Whilst in an ideal world we would produce no waste at all, this is not currently the case. The video looks at how Cory views wider picture, making use of all waste – whether recyclable or non-recyclable.
As the documentary shows, recycling is an incredibly complicated process with many factors impacting what can and cannot be recycled. This includes, but is not limited to, contamination, consumer habits and the type of materials used for packaging.
Of all the materials we receive at our MRF plant, including plastic, 85% of it is recycled. Our Energy from Waste (EfW) plant plays an important role too. For black bin waste, we work to make it a useful resource, turning it into energy instead of sending it to environmentally damaging landfill sites. Find out more about both MRF and EfW in the video.
Our commitment doesn’t end there. We process around 70,000 tonnes of waste at our MRF and we would love to process more! But that can only come through building consumer understanding, whilst policymakers and manufacturers have a responsibility too, to address the materials we use in the UK to wrap products. We work with local authorities and government to bring these issues to prominence and we will continue to do so. We need a step-change fast – and we’re committed to playing our part in delivering one.
Recycling is an incredibly complicated process with many factors impacting what can and cannot be recycled