Consultations launch
Cory welcomes publication of waste consultations by government.
The launch of four consultations addressing the UK’s waste system were welcomed by Cory today. The consultations focus on the introduction of a plastics tax aimed at disincentivising the use of non-recycled plastic packaging; placing more responsibility on producers of plastic packaging; changing the way recyclable materials are collected; and the introduction of a deposit return scheme.
Julian Walker, Chief Operating Officer of Cory Riverside Energy, said: “We welcome the consultations which have been published today, as they place us well on the road to tackling the pressing issue of plastic waste in the UK. At Cory, we are absolutely committed to recycling, and welcome all efforts to increase recycling rates across the country. We process c.80,000 tonnes of waste at our Materials Recycling Facility each year, and we would love to process more. What’s more, contrary to popular belief, we do not like processing plastic and other recyclable waste at our Energy from Waste facility, and would much rather it was reused or recycled.
“However, not all waste can be recycled, and it is absolutely right that the Government brings in measures which reflect the ‘producer pays’ principle in order to change this. Waste management companies can only work with the materials which they are given, and packaging must be created in a way which reflects the waste hierarchy. These consultations offer a huge opportunity to deliver a much-needed step-change in the way we approach recycling and plastics, and we hope that the Government does not let it go to waste.”
Cory will be responding to the consultations in due course.
We welcome the consultations which have been published today, as they place us well on the road to tackling the pressing issue of plastic waste in the UK.