The Board is responsible for Cory’s long-term success and delivering sustainable value to shareholders and stakeholders.

The Board sets strategic direction and risk appetite and standards of culture and behaviour. It monitors performance and makes sure the business has the resources, systems and controls needed to achieve its objectives.

Board Committees

The Board delegates specific responsibilities and decision-making powers to three standing Committees:

This Committees' primary responsibilities are ensuring proper measurement and reporting of Cory’s financial performance and monitoring the quality of internal controls and risk management.

The Committee receives reports from the Company’s external auditor and advises on auditor appointments. It reviews the risk register bi-annually, making sure it is comprehensive and appropriate mitigation measures are in place. The Committee also upholds standards relating to whistleblowing and fraud detection.

This Committee reviews the performance of Executive Directors and makes recommendations to the Board concerning remuneration, incentive schemes, employee benefits and contractual terms of employment.

This Committee, also known as the Investment Committee, has oversight of the Riverside Energy Park development, including planning, development, financing, construction and commissioning.

The Committee is also responsible for other capital development projects outside the ordinary course of business, as delegated by the Board when necessary.

Relations with stakeholders - Section 172

The Board is committed to acting, in good faith, to promote the long-term success of the Company. Directors and management engage with a wide range of stakeholders that impact, or are impacted by, Cory’s operations. These include employees, customers, suppliers, the environment and the wider community. 

The Board of Directors confirms that during 2020, it has acted to promote the long-term success of Cory for the benefit of shareholders, whilst having due regard to the matters set out in section 172(1)(a) to (f) of the Companies Act 2006. You can read our full Group Section 172 statement in our 2020 Annual Review, including how we engaged with our stakeholders and the impact of our engagement, main methods used by the Board to perform their duties, and principal decisions made by the Board. The Section 172 Statement for each of the entities within the Cory Group are found in their respective annual accounts filed at Companies House.

Annual Report 2023

Cory annual report thumbnail

Download our 2023 Annual Report to explore how we're diverting waste from landfill and driving forward our plans for decarbonisation.

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